Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can make your teeth straighter without braces?

My teeth are kinda like Keyshia Cole's teeth and i dont want braces(mental ones) how esle can i make my teeth straight without mental braces.....

How can make your teeth straighter without braces?
Reply:ask dentist
Reply:Invisalign, they use a sequence of plastic retainers that aren't nearly as obvious as metal braces.

your dentist can determine if they will work for you.
Reply:Only braces.But there is a new kind of braces not the metal ones these new kind of braces are invisible ones i mean they are transparent and they are so good.I had does a year ago and no one noticed it.Hope you find these kind of braces in your place.
Reply:stop sucking your thumb
Reply:Sometimes its possible to have a device that is like braces but removable. Allows you to only put it on at night so it bothers you less (since you sleep) and you can still smile to your friends without shame (not that there is any shame in having braces).

Best is to ask your dentist though.
Reply:You can get clear braces. My orthodontist made me that suggestion, you can't straighten teeth with out braces. BE PREPARED TO SPEND MONEY! They cost a lot! Sorry.

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How straight should your teeth be after braces?

I had braces a few years ago and I always wear my retainer, but my front teeth still stuck out a bit more than the others. It might be partly because they're bigger, which braces can't really help. Also when I bite a few teeth on one side don't feel flush. At the time I assumed it was because they were worn crooked from before I had braces. Also I don't always know where to find my bite because my jaw clicks and moves around which I just found out is not normal. There's not much I could do about it now, though, since I've moved away from where I go tthem done before.

How straight should your teeth be after braces?
i got my braces off a few months ago..and i swear half the time im paranoid that my teeth are crooked or something, but they arent! if they were, you ortho woukld ask you if youre still wearing your retainer properply or doing this or that, if you teeth had moved back to how they were, he/she probabaly might have mentioned getting braces since he hasnt...your probabaly fine

sometimes when i bite down i feel that my teeth dont exactly line up is strange but i dont let it bother me

i know allllllll about that jaw-clicking

its so weird. i had it before i got my braces and like i woukldnt even need to open my mouth veery far and it would just click, it didnt hurt at all, but it just clicked and it was actually quite loud too. anyways, i got ym braces and then i had to wear elastics for a long time becaus eof my overbite and i found that with elastic si could hardly open my for the longest time i just didnt click my jaw anymore...and now its beenm like 2 years or some, and when i open my mouth as wide as i can, they dont click

soooo, this may sound crazy, but you can just avoid the clicking at all costs and itll eventually go away, or talk to your dentist about it, ive told my ortho and dentist before. honestly, i can remmeber what they said but they didnt seem concerned or worried about it

i hope some of this has helped!
Reply:straighter than b 4 u got them on

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Teeth moved after braces?

I had my braces removed and had a permanent wire glued in but I noticed today that several of my teeth on the bottom row moved outward and I think one side of the wire moved slightly upward.

I'm going to the orthodontist soon but I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone before and what the orthodontist did

Teeth moved after braces?
Sounds like you needed a retainer after your braces. They might need to give you one.
Reply:it happened to people I know, and they had to get their braces put back on.
Reply:my braces came of about 2 weeks ago. I now have a plastic retainer that was moulded to my teeth after my braces came off so they dont move- you could ask to get one of these?
Reply:i have a lower wire as well, whenever they took mine off they urged me to wear my retainer on top..but i never did. I'm going in again as well because my top teeth have moved. they might suggest you wear braces again for a little while...depending on the orthodontist....

Make sure that you faithfully use you retainer. My son had his braces removed about 2 years ago and uses the clear plastic retainer every night.

Many years ago I also had braces but did not use my retainers and now my bottom teeth are not straight.

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Teeth whitening with braces?

Can you use anything to whiten your teeth while having braces?

Teeth whitening with braces?
Omg I was wondering the same thing! WHen you go to the orthodontist next, ask him/her, that's what I'm gonna do. Good luck! :-)
Reply:You shouldn't. Braces are cemented to your teeth, so any whitening solution you use will not affect the part of your teeth the braces are attached to. You might end up with braces-sized stains on your teeth.
Reply:Not worth it.

When you take off your braces you'll have yellow spots on your teeth and it'll look funny. Wait it out....
Reply:It doesn't matter coz your teeth would still look ugly with the braces on. Just wait till you get those beautiful straight teeth then bleach it to have an overall perfect smile.
Reply:shouldnt they already be white if you have braces? cause you know you have to brush like 299 million times a day
Reply:just brush. when you take off your braces you'll have yellow boxes in each tooth. That's why I waited until i got my braces taken off.
Reply:no but you can go to a regular dentist and they can clean them.. i got mine done today.. and they are pearly white!!
Reply:yes, theres listerine which takes away bad breath and gets teeth whitening, thats what i use
Reply:i use the dissovlable listerine whitening strips

i cut one in half then put them on my bottow and top

its kinda tricky, but its definitely working
Reply:You could do tooth whitening if you found a tray style product that will go over the braces. The cement keeping the braces on actually keeps that area decay free and stain free. It is the rest of the area that will get stained by drinks, food, smoking and wine. Yes, the best is to brush, floss (if you got that fancy floss for braces) and swish.

You will still likely have some colour difference when they come off but your ortho will get the cement off. The yellow people are saying about is bc their friends probably have un maintained "clear braces"
Reply:I do agree that the best to WHITENED your teeth is after the braces treatment is done. In that case your dentist will advice you to have dental cleaning first to remove all the remaining cements after braces removal and to make sure that your teeth surfaces all cleaned and free from minor stains...and after that process and U still wish to do WHITENING...then go ahead my dearie...always nice to have a white and healthy teeth......
Reply:Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at

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How long before your teeth look straight under the braces??

Ok so im getting braces soon (yay no more bad teeth) but I was wondering how long it takes before you appear to have straight teeth? Of course the braces still would have to be on for ages longer but at leaste to Have straight teeth under the braces. How long ussually does that take???? THANK YOU xxx xxx

How long before your teeth look straight under the braces??
Hmmmm... well it really depends on how bad your teeth are. I had buck teeth and they literally started going in about 2 months, but if you have really bad teeth then it will probably be about 4 months until you see real results, but then they will start moving really quickly. BTW, if you feel pissed off about your braces at any time, DO NOT GO ON FEELING ANNOYED! I was always irritated about them but now that I've got them off IT WAS SO WORTH IT!! So yeah, there's my advice! I hope it all goes well xx
Reply:It's so surprising how fast your teeth move. You'll most likely see a huge change within the first couple of months. Even after the first month, I saw a noticeable change.
Reply:at least a year. It isn't a short process at all.
Reply:It all depends on how bad your teeth were to begin with and what treatment plan your orthodontist has for you.
Reply:It has everything to do with the type of problem that's being corrected. If you had "crooked teeth" it doesn't take very long at all... a few months at most. But if you have an "over bite"... that requires about 2 full years of Orthodontic treatment.

Good Luck!
Reply:i am going to have my braces on for like 2 and half years..i am on my 2nd year i could tell by like the first 4months i could see some change.


Who got teeth extracted for braces?

Did anyone here get teeth extracted for there braces?

If so how many and was straight teeth worth having healthy teeth removed?

Who got teeth extracted for braces?
I had 4 baby teeth removed. They just were not going to come out. Then 4 adult teeth were removed. And my 4 wisdom teeth were removed. You'd think I have none left. It was definitly worth it. I get a lot of comments about how nice my teeth look.
Reply:I had 6 teeth extracted before I got braces. I have a really small mouth so... eh.
Reply:not me
Reply:I had 9 teeth removed, 5 adult teeth, 4 baby teeth. 3 were from under my gum so i had to have stitches in my mouth and now i have no canines but thats not recognizable.

But it's all worth having the straight teeth!!
Reply:I had four teeth extracted for braces. Straight teeth were definately worth having healthy teeth removed.
Reply:i had 4 healthy adult teeth pulled out for braces and it was definetly worth it . they were straight and premolars .

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Wisdom teeth removal with braces on?

i am having all four of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow..two are impacted.. and i have braces on top and bottom teeth..any advice?

Wisdom teeth removal with braces on?
Yes i have the same situation, or at least had. I had to get all myt 4 removed. BUT, the doc told me, that it should removed 1 at a time. with a few days gap, preferably week gap (as i had). removing them is a big thing as they are permanent teeth with deep roots. I couldnt even eat properly, with the removal of one, with my mouth swelling. I had to get stiches with the bottom 2, as they were impacted. So, I dont know why ur doc is saying to get them all out at once. That is a lot of injury to take at one time. Maybe get a second opinion.

ANd also, it is advisable to get either top braces or lower first. Not both at once. As the pain gets alot. So it should be done with time. I got my lower ones after 2 months since the top was put on.

Not trying to scare u, but just warn u that it might not be best to get all removed at one. IT takes time for the injury to heal

wait, did u say u already had ur braces on? Well if u do, then well no problem in that regard. ONly about removing the wisdom all at once.

Dry Socket

information from the Atlanta Dental Group PC

In a patient with a dry socket, blood does not fill up the extraction socket or the blood clot is lost. The gums can not grow over the extraction socket because there's nothing to grow over and the hole remains open. This opening causes a constant dull throbbing pain and the patient can often have a foul smelling breath and bad taste in the mouth. Ear pain is another possible dry socket symptom.

It's called a dry socket because the hole, or socket, that the tooth used to fit into becomes dry. It begins hurting about three days after oral surgery. Unfortunately, the pain lasts about a week after it begins. The dental name is acute alveolar osteitis. Acute means all of a sudden. Alveolar is the name of the bone that supports teeth. -itis means inflamed and osteo- means bone. Osteitis means bone inflammation. Acute alveolar osteitis means sudden inflammation of the bone that supports a tooth.

Dentists don't know exactly what causes a dry socket. It occurs more with lower teeth than upper teeth and more with females than males. The problem occurs more often after difficult extractions. It may be that forceful pushing against the wall of the socket when the tooth is being removed causes the walls of the tooth socket to become crushed. This prevents bleeding into the socket because the blood vessels have been crushed closed. The lack of blood then causes severe pain.

Anything that dislodges the clot can cause a dry socket. Forceful spitting or sucking though a straw can pull a clot completely out of its socket. Patients should wait a day before rinsing with warm salt water to avoid dissolving the new blood clot. When salt water rinsing, spit gently to avoid pressure. Carbonated beverages should be avoided because they may bubble the clot out. Alcoholic drinks can dry out the blood clot and prevent healing. Avoid smoking for a few days after dental extractions because smoking can disturb clot formation. Patients who have recently had oral surgery should avoid anything that may irritate the socket or anything that may cause the clot from being dislodged. Follow our oral surgery post operative instructions carefully to avoid dry socket treatment.


I am an Oral Surgeon and have practiced for 27 years. The removal of all 4 wisdom teeth at once is the routine procedure. If you have an Oral Surgeon do it, there shouldn't be any problem. We are trained for surgery and actually, removal of teeth and wisdom teeth is one of the easier things for us. Just remember to follow all of the post-operative instructions very closely so your recovery will be quick and comfortable.

It is INSANE to remove these teeth one at a time. If you do 1 or 2 or all 4, you will still have the same amout of pain afterwards, which will be easily taken care of with a prescription pain killer. You will still take the same amount of medication whether you do 1 tooth or 4. If you do 1 or 4 teeth, you will still be eating soft foods for a few days, still be keeping ice on for the swelling, etc, etc. So, whether you do 1 or 4 teeth, your post -op experience will essentially be the same. If you do all 4, then you will be done and not have to do this again (medication, soft foods, ice, etc).

If you are paying for this, it is also cheaper doing all 4 at once - only 1 anesthesia vs 2, or 4.

Teeth that are impacted usually require a little more work than those that are erupted. Sometimes we use a dental drill and cut them in half to make it easier to remove them. This is not a problem and will not hurt. The fact that you have braces on will not effect the procedure.

It's good that your'e having these widsom teeth removed, because if left there, they can push forward and cause anterior tooth crowding and ruin your nice orthodontic treatment.

Find a good, compassionate Oral Surgeon who has a gentle touch and you won't have any problems! Good luck.
Reply:Buck is straight, you see, so full marks to him. For the clean and straight job, seek recommendations from friends for an oral surgeon.


Getting 4 teeth pulled for braces?

Hey, I am going to get 4 teeth pulled for braces and I was wondering if it hurts when they do it. I heard people had open sockets (what's that?) and holes in their gums... Is there unbearable pain? How long does it hurt? Can I eat my reg. foods?

Getting 4 teeth pulled for braces?
I had 4 teeth pulled at once~ but they put me to sleep for it. they gave me pain medicne for it afterwards but I didnt use it that much i was ok with tylenol. i dont have a high tolerance for pain, and everyones tolerance is different but i was ok with tylenol. i only used the percription once or twice

good luck

the first day /day after i ate jellos, puddings and slim fast was recommended by the dentist for the vitamins /nutrients.

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Getting 4 teeth pulled out,braces,and a spacer to widen my mouth.....will it hurt???? getting a spacer to widen my mouth........will that hurt?

im also getting braces....will those hurt?And what is there to expect?

Im also getting 4 teeth pulled out,on the same day.Will that hurt?Whats the procedure???


Getting 4 teeth pulled out,braces,and a spacer to widen my mouth.....will it hurt????
I had 4teeth out for my brace, i got put alseep so i dont remember having it done but what i can remember it wasnt to sore after wards, bit achy tho!

Getting braces dont hurt they can be a bit sensitive when they first go on when there tightened %26amp; they can ache a bit after wards but its not anythink bad!

As for the spacer i havent got a clue!

Hope all goes well tho
Reply:OMG your like already dead. Your braces will hrt soooo much i got them also and spacers the rubber band kind and the one that goes on the roof of your mouth. They suck omg i feel bad for you. it will take about 2 or 3 weeks so the pain will go away.
Reply:I'm assuming you're getting your wisdom teeth pulled, and braces put on. From what i've heard, braces can hurt to have them put on, but some pepole it doesn't hurt.

As for having a tooth pulled, it's the few days after ward that hurt.... just the healing process.

Don't worry too much, in a week or two, it will all be over with.

(I'm getting two of my wisdom's pulled tomorrow.... aaaahhhhhhrrrrhhhhhh!!!!)
Reply:it is very painful, not gonna lie, but well worth it in the end!
Reply:braces hurt a bit for about 1-3 weeks (I don' have them, I'm getting them, this is what my friends say)

as for the teeth pulled- I've gotten a crown, which is supposedly more painful, and I didn't feel a thing. Admittedly it was pretty sore afterwards, but it went away pretty quick.

Spacer? Never heard of it, lol...

Over all, I think you'll be fine, don't worry, if you are, bring a cd-player, or an ipod. I listened to twilight by stephenie meyer when I got my crown on, it kept my mind off the process. Twilight is really intriguing the first time around.
Reply:Getting a spacer to widen your mouth will probably hurt. Getting braces will also hurt too. Expect more pain to correct your teeth alingments. Pain will have to come into effect and eat a lot of soft things.
Reply:Try youtube like

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Getting 4 teeth extracted for braces?

I am just looking for reassurance that getting for teeth (bicuspids I think) removed for braces is not as bad as I think.

I think the dentist will be removing them all at once, and I WILL be awake.

Has anyone got any advice?

How long will it take for all 4?

Do people typically get the teeth removed BEFORE the braces are put on?

Getting 4 teeth extracted for braces?
My advice would be to not sweat it to much. They'll likely give you some novocaine to numb it or some laughing gas, so you won't feel it when it happens (though it will hurt the next day, sorry to say).

It shouldn't take to long, for four teeth though I'd guess anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how the dentist goes about it.

And yes, people do normally get teeth pulled before getting braces, because sometimes the braces wouldn't be able to straighten all the teeth otherwise and it would be pointless to even get braces then.
Reply:ya i got the same thing done...i had laughing gas though so obvoiusly i dont remember it and i didnt feel a thing. dont worry they will probably do the same thing to you unless you have crappy insurence
Reply:My friend had several teeth removed before braces were put in, i think thats normal
Reply:They give you some shots to numb the pain. I got two teeth pulled quite recently and that's why I stopped to read and answer your question. But, it doesn't hurt too bad, just like a slight pulling on your gums, the shots are the worst, and they aren't even that bad.

Best Wishes!
Reply:Yeah, they dope you up enough where you won't even feel it. Just get used to eating yogurt, and mashed corn for a while because that's all you'll be able to eat. But in all seriousness it isn't as bad as it sounds. The orthodontist understands how uncomfortable it can be, so they do their best to help out.
Reply:I had braces a looong time ago but also had to get 4 teeth removed, all adult teeth. I had too many teeth for my small mouth.

The teeth were removed, the braces went on, and 6-months later I had a great set of teeth (and still do).

Trust your dentist but if you're really worried I would get a 2nd opinion.
Reply:Don't listen to the people who say it hurts. You're awake because they put a shot in your mouth (painless). Believe me there is nothing at all to worry about. I promise.
Reply:Yes i have had this done before try 8 teeth all at once awake! well i had my 1st 4 teeth on top for my braces on when i got them pulled and no it doesnt hurt at all all you feeel is a lil tugging when they pull the teeth and you'll be numb and the shots just hurt a lil... like a little pinch..... and 4 teeth shouldnt take long at all maybe 30 min or less :] Good Luck =] it will be ok!
Reply:i had that exact treatment done

you want the truth???

you are awake they inject you in mouth so half of your face goes numb you feel a tiny scratch they pull your tooth out with pliers which you can't feel anyway

you need two appointment 2 teeth for each i think
Reply:If you need to, you have to get them taken out to make room to straighten the teeth. It won't be so bad since you will have freezing. The worse you think about it the more scared you will be. My brother did it and he is a chicken so I wouldnt worry! Good Luck!
Reply:My son had some teeth pulled before braces. That's how it's usually done. It would be harder to remove them once the braces are in place. They will give you plenty of Novocaine, so you won't feel any pain. You might feel a little tugging, but it doesn't hurt. Afterward you should take some ibuprofen (Advil), because you might have a little discomfort once the Novocaine wears off, but it won't be anything you can't handle. Good luck!
Reply:It's not uncommon to have teeth removed before getting braces. It helps eliminate overcrowding problems.

I'm guessing they'll wait a while after the extractions to let your mouth settle down.

Extractions are typically pretty fast assuming their are no complications like impactions.

Ask for some nitrous gas if you're not going to be otherwise sedated. It will help the time feel as if it's going faster.
Reply:The braces I don't don't really no about so I can't help w/ that

The teeth being pulled out, I know a thing or two... It won't hurt because they numb your mouth with novacaine and then they give u tyleneol w/ codeine. The makes you sleep all day. You can't eat anything hard for a few days. And you have to rinse your mouth with salt and warm water for about a week and a half. Other then that your good.
Reply:I actually just got braces on a month ago and teeth pulled, and yes they usually pull teeth before you get them on if your mouth is overcrowded because it gives your teeth space to shift. I didn't get any gas or valium when I got my teeth pulled (2 molars). They just numbed my mouth and pulled, the pressure is kinda weird but you don't feel any pain. Plus they give you pain meds after so any pain you may feel will be easily treated. GOOD LUCK!! AND DON'T WORRY PEOPLE GET TEETH PULLED EVERY DAY!! :)
Reply:well extracting the teeth doesnt hurt as much as when you first put the braces, you wont eat for several days you will only drink liquids ( water, soup, milkshakes)
Reply:I got 4 too! all at once!!!

Yeah, it really wasn't that bad. Especially since your getting yours all at once because then you only have to go through getting your mouth numbed and the blood 2 times.

My advice for you is to EAT ALOT before the appt, like I went to Bob Evans and ate crepes and sausages b4 my appt but i was too nervous to eat it all, so afterward i was hungry but its very hard to eat with gauze in your mouth. so dont be nervous and eat a lot so you wont be starving like i was.

And the morning after you get them pulled there will be blood and crap stuck to your toungue and the roof of your mouth, so try to drink a lot of water to prevent the caking.

And... relax while they pull your teeth because i didnt and i got SO dizzy i thought i would pass out. and i saw double. so relax and hold someones hang.

i had braces on while they pulled them but i think its more normal to have em pulled b4 you get them.

hope i helped and good luck!!! :)

Reply:This was many, many moons ago but I had the same thing done to me before I got my braces put on. 4 permanent teeth removed, all done at the same time. I have a small jaw and needed to have the teeth removed so it would be less crowded then the teeth could shift around and become straight when the braces were put on. I was awake when it was done but was given shots of novacaine so I didn't feel any pain. Afterwards you'll be numb for awhile and packed with cotton. Your dentist may give you some tylenol with codine or you might be fine with just Advil.
Reply:i got a tooth pulled and it DOES NOT hurt at all. no lie. u can even feel it. they only part that u can kind of feel is when they give u the novicane. but thats the worst part. i have to get teeth removed when i get my braces. and i dont think its that bad

girls myspace

Overlapping Front Teeth (Already had braces)?

I had braces about 7 years ago. I wore a retainer afterwards like I was supposed to and they were perfectly straight. I now notice my front teeth are overlapping a little bit. Do you think this is because of my wisdom teeth? I really hate to get braces again but I think I might have to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Overlapping Front Teeth (Already had braces)?
they could be extracted or ucould have ura or a invislign
Reply:Whoa...Hey, run don't walk to your dentist. If you do have wisdom teeth coming in they can certainly mess up the alignment of your teeth. Your retainer can't do anything about that..get to your DDS, ASAP...Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:Yes, it is most likely the wisdom teeth, but have you still been wearing your retainers at night? That helps prevent the teeth from moving. Anyways, normally they require you to have your wisdom teeth out now if you get braces to prevent this.

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Wisdom teeth removal for braces?

My orthodontist told me that I have got to get 4 pre molars removed for braces, in order to make enough room for the rest of my teeth to get into line.

Can I not wait for my wisdom teeth to come out and instead get them pulled instead of my pre molars?

wisdom teeth are useless I hear, so I do not understand why I cannot wait for then to erupt and then have them removed instead of my pre molars.

Wisdom teeth removal for braces?
There must already be crowding for him to want to remove 4 pre molars. The added wisdom teeth would cause severe crowding, which would not be a good thing, and would not be comfortable at all. When the wisdom teeth begin coming in your orthodontist will work with the dentist that will be pulling them.
Reply:You need to ask your orthodontist this question, or get a second opinion from another orthodontist.

He probably meant that, in addition to one day removing your wisdom teeth, you need to also have 4 pre molars removed for your braces.

The earlier you can get your braces, the better. If you wait until your wisdom teeth come in, you'll be 15 or 16 and that's not an optimum time to have your braces.

Ask him if it's worth waiting for your wisdom teeth.

Good luck

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Problem with my teeth! also my braces..?

okay i have braces for almost 3 months now.. after my two front teeth moved and been attached to each other, i noticed a very very small blackish spot on my teeth. it was in between the 2 front teeth. I also noticed that the black color is from myright front teeth..

what is happening? is this a sign of tooth decay? I floss floss and floss but still the black wont go away..

huhuhu.. im starting to be so sad and dissapointed..

any suggestions? ansswers? comments?

Problem with my teeth! also my braces..?
It may be a cavity. Let your dentist know so they can take care of it sooner than later.

Edited: You can go to either, whoever does your regular cleanings. If it is a cavity, they will drill it clean %26amp; fill it. The dentist can get to cavities very easily between the teeth.
Reply:god man! go to your dentist, i wore braces for 3 years %26amp; a half %26amp; nothing like that happened...
Reply:well i sugest you go to your dentist, or orthedontist. it could be a cavity. my advise is, get crest pro health, it's a mouthwash. it really cleans your teeth

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Teeth loosened from braces?

I got my braces tightened a couple weeks ago. On my bottom row of teeth, I still have 2 loose teeth. Should I call my orthodontist?

Teeth loosened from braces?
You mentioned that they are "still loose"? were they loosened from tightening or prior to that?

Are they primary teeth? although I wouldn't think so if your wearing the braces now.

And do you keep wiggling them to see if they have settled down yet?

Contact your orthodontist and they will happily give you some advise....that's what they get the big bucks for!
Reply:when in doubt, always call the professional, that's what you are paying them for!
Reply:Not a professional dentist or anything. But I remember when I had braces years ago, and after they were tightened that they were a little loose.

But it would be better to see your ortho. He will give you a better response :)

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Will a child whose parents had braces before have perfect teeth?

Imagine it this way.

A man and woman with bad crooked teeth. They get braces. They end up with perfect teeth. Later on in life they marry and they have a child. Here's the question:

Will the child have perfect teeth if it's in their parents DNA? Or will the child have bad crooked teeth just like the parent's used to have, and so the child would have to get braces too?

Will a child whose parents had braces before have perfect teeth?
It is pretty unpredictable! It could go either way and can be affected by oral habits (like thumbsucking) that have nothing to do with Mom and Dad. Though my husband and I both had braces and I would'nt be surprised if my son needs them!

JAMRDH -a dental hygienist
Reply:thats a good question but i think the child will get bad teeth because all braces do is straighten and does nothing to the blood
Reply:Braces don't change your DNA, most importantly, but just b/c parents have bad/crooked teeth doesn't necessarily mean the child will. Prolly more of a chance, but you never know...
Reply:Unless the child is born with braces, the answer is no.

All the braces in the world won't change your DNA.
Reply:Just because the parents had bad/crooked teeth doen't mean the kids will. How about 2 parents that had perfect teeth and everyone in both their families having perfect teeth and then all 3 of their kids have crooked teeth? It could go either way, and the parents braces have nothing to do with it.

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Might have to get my teeth pulled for braces?

My orthodontist said that because my teeth are crowded and I have a "stuck" wisdom tooth I might have to have 4 teeth (2 on the bottom and 2 on the top) pulled to make more space in my mouth. He said that it is not for sure yet but likely--he might change his mind and I won't have my teeth pulled (that would be great), but I am REALLY nervous at the possabillity of my teeth being pulled.

If anybody can help me that would be great.

-What is it like to get teeth pulled?

-What is the process/What do they do when they pull your teeth?

-Does it hurt?

-What does it feel like afterwords?

-Should I get 2 done at one appointment and then 2 at another or should I do it all at the same time?

-Any other information about getting teeth pulled would be really great!

I would really like to hear from people who have gotten their teeth pulled for braces and dentist who have delt with this situation before

Any kind of comfort you could offer me would be great.

Thanks in advance

Might have to get my teeth pulled for braces?
it is acommon procedure to pull 4 teeth before starting orthodontic treatment since you have crowded teeth

and the answers you want are

-What is it like to get teeth pulled?

totally painless procedure

What is the process/What do they do when they pull your teeth?

dentist start giving you local anesthesia using injection

the pain of injection can be decreased by applying anesthetic gel to the site prior to the injection

during extraction you feel nothing except the slight pressure

used to pull tooth out but no pain

-Does it hurt?

no it does not

-What does it feel like afterwords?

you will be unable to eat hard food on the area of extraction

for 3 days but you can eat soft food

-Should I get 2 done at one appointment and then 2 at another or should I do it all at the same time?

you can do the 4 in the same time but anesthetizing 4 quarters means that numbness following anesthesia will be too much and very unpleasant feeling

my advice to do 2 in atom this is much easier for you

last note

after extraction follow your dentist instruction carefully

and don't be afraid

good luck dear
Reply:1 st get a second opinion and next just relax.....also i would say get it done on a Friday so you can rest the weekend......
Reply:I did have then taken out and it was well worth it. Yes it sucked, but I was awake so if you can be put to sleep I would recommend it. Once the teeth are out they feel weird, the openings but once you braces start doing their things in a couple of years the spaces will be gone. If anything get a second opinion.
Reply:I feel your pain. I had 4 teeth pulled as well. The ones in the very back. I was nervous too but after it was over you feel better except for feeling crappy about the fact that you can't eat the foods you want. But the endless ice cream and Jell-o is great :0). The dentist will just numb you and taking the teeth out depends. if the tooth is under the gums and is pushing on your teeth he'll Numb the gums and he'll pull it out. The tooth is long, though; it's crazy! But he'll probably suture your gums or not and that makes space for your wisdom teeth. I don't know about your procedure but it might go somewhere along those lines, depending on the dentist as well. Hope this helps. Don't worry, you will only feel some pressure while the tooth is being pulled out, but that's about it. It's nothing to worry about. But hey, it's worth it. You get a nice smile when it's over.
Reply:don't worry it doesn't hurt. they numb your mouth (this hurts a bit)and pull it. when they pull it it just feels feels like wiggling a big tooth if they numbed it enough.I've had 4 teeth pulled also it is better to get them done 2 first and 2 a second time. it hurts a bit after , ice cream helps. get it done on a friday so u can rest for the weekend. good luck!
Reply:I just got braces 2 weeks ago and had to have four teeth pulled. All they do is just numb you with novaine and then they take an instrument and move the tooth back and forth to loosen it and then they pull it out. One of my teeth had to be surgically removed which meant that he had to cut down into the gum to pull it out. That was the only really painful site. Afterwards, you will still be numb for a few hours and you will experience some soreness. I had all mine done at one time, so its up to you and your dentist if you want to do it over 2 visits. It might be better to get them pulled all at once. I was just so anxious to get my braces so I just went ahead and did it to get it over with. Email me if I can be of further help.
Reply:dont worry. If you need teeth removed then they will give you pain medicine (probably local anesthesia to prevent feeling anything). You will look great when the braces are complete and the orthodontist knows what he/she is doing. Trust them they have done this before with other patients. Having teeth removed is common.
Reply:OK i had mine done 2 days ago. Here is how my day went.

It was a wednesday and i had to meet my orthodontist at his office at 8 a.m. I woke up as if it were a regular school day and met my ortho at his office. The guy who pulled them was only a couple of blocks from my ortho. so we walked and when i got there they called me back and i sat in the chair. Then he came in and gave me a q-tip with this numbing stuff. Then he gave me a 4 shots because like u i needed 4 pulled to make room for braces. The shot felt like a pinch and kinda hurt. Then he left for a couple of min and after 3 min my mouth was very very numb. Then he took this tool and pushed my tooth and this hurt the worst. Even with novacain. He told me to tell him when it was unbearable pain and he would give me more novacain. Well i ended up getting the shot 8 times. Once he pushed it around he took another tool and swirled it around and pulled it out. That didnt hurt at all. He did this 4 times and it took about 45 min. Then they put some gauges in. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! If you take these out your mouth will bleed profusly and it may take longer to get the braces on. You have to wear them for an hour afterwards. Then when i got out of the chair i fell because i felt lightheaded for some reason. Once i got back on my feet i had to walk ALL the way back to the orthodontists office to my moms car. And since i got all those shots my mouth was so numb i coudnt feel my own saliva. So i was drooling everywhere. I felt dehrydrated but my mouth was full with spit. But when i got home my gums really hurt. To my surprise they didnt pull the teeth like you do when you lose your baby teeth. They actually pull the roots along with it. I ate some ramen noodles when i got hungry and later i tried some chicken fingers but that didnt work out too good. My mouth was numb for about 4 hours afterwards. Chewing doesnt work because if anything touches your gums where the teeth were pulled it will hurt. If your gums are still bleeding hours afterwards put more gauges in. They will be purple for about a week afterwards but thats normal. Now its been 2 days and today i ate tacos at school for lunch. The only thing i wish i could stop is this feeling that when i move my tounge there is a hole. There is also a tickle sensation going on. I would suggest getting them pulled all at one time unless you wanna go through this twice. Just know that in 2 years you will have perfect teeth and it will be worth it. I hope everything goes well and you get what you want.


Teeth whitening gum & braces?

I have braces, so can I use teeth whitening gum? Will the parts under my braces still be ugly? ahh help./

Teeth whitening gum %26amp; braces?
You should probably wait until after you get your braces off to do any kind of whitening. The reason why is because the spaces under the brackets will stay the same color while the rest of the tooth will become brighter and then when you get your braces off you will have a dark square on every tooth. I don't think you would want that. I don't know this for sure but I think that if you do try to whiten your teeth that is what will happen. Hope I helped.
Reply:eh thats probably just like using teeth whitening tooth paste..i think its alright but im not sure
Reply:why dont u brush with Crest whitening toothpaste? thats wat i do and i have braces.
Reply:yeah they most likely will stay the same colour. i suggest you wait til you've had your braces off before your start whitening your teeth
Reply:Teeth whitening gum will not effect your teeth with braces..but do not listen to the other commenters when they said to use whitening toothpaste...DO NOT USE WHITENING will definately make dark spots of where your brackets were..whitening toothpaste+braces=a big NO. lol..hopefully that helped! [:
Reply:Do NOT use a whitening toothpaste or any kind of gum.

The areas around the brackets will be white.. but under the brackets will still be the color of your teeth when you got your braces. I just got mine yesturday and she went over everything and she specifically said NO WHITENING PRODUCTS! There was a girl in the office who had just gotten hers off and she had done what they told her not to do and she had noticable scaring.

Just wait until you get them off to whiten your teeth.
Reply:It may give your teeth uneven whitening results since there are some areas that are covered by braces. Try to wait when your braces are taken off to start your teeth whitening procedure.

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Teeth removal before braces?

Can anyone tell me who currently has or had braces tell me how many teeth needed to be removed before you got braces?

Teeth removal before braces?
they romove some baby teeth so then your adult teeth grow in right
Reply:four teeth is pretty normal one in each quadrant of ur mouth,but i f you have crowding more may be needed
Reply:i had to get 6 pulled, could hardly eat anything solid for a week and the taste of blood was in my mouth for 2 days striaght

then i got braces 3 or 4 weeks later and they'er still not all the way in and i'm 15 and had braces for 4 months
Reply:It's not been recent for me, but if I remember it was four.
Reply:i had braces 10 years ago. 4 teeth were pulled out and hell it was a pain.
Reply:i have had braces!! it all depends on how crowded it is in ur mouth. they only had 2 take out 2 of mine! but dont worry ab it i didnt feel a thing and i loved my braces 2. lol i know kinda crazy.
Reply:It depends on what is going on in your mouth. It depends on each person, so they have to explain to you why they had a tooth extraction. Sometimes if there is crowding, teeth need to be extracted and then the teeth will be brought together with the braces.
Reply:it all depends...they usually pull baby teeth that arent coming out OR adult teeth if your mouth is too small for all the teeth. i had 6 baby teeth pulled...but most of my friends had 2-4 pulled before braces.


Closing teeth gap using braces?

Hi, I have more then one gap in my front teeth. I am planning to correct it using braces. How efective is this? Is it possible for the braces to pull my teeth sideways?

Closing teeth gap using braces?
Yes. my friend had a huge gap in her teeth and it pulled them together and the look really fuking straight now
Reply:Braces can correct this.
Reply:It is the way to go. I have braces right now, and i had a tooth coming in the wrong way, so i had a tooth pulled, and had to move another tooth to the side so the one in the wrong direction comes up to that new gap. Thanks to braces they have moved my tooth about 8 mm so far, ive had them 6 months now. Perfect way to go if you want to move your teeth across, up or down, or just a tidy-up. f you can afford them that is. ;)
Reply:Umm, my best friend's gap (which I don't think is that big) isn't able to be corrected using braces. She has had her gum at the front altered and is now getting veneers to make her front teeth appear bigger and closer together.
Reply:very effective, let your ortho do the work it seriously works
Reply:it's easier too get takes about 45 minutes i had it done it looks great..good luck

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Not cleaning teeth before getting Braces.?

What are the results of not cleaning my teeth before getting Braces?

My last appointment was a year ago, and I can't brush my teeth really well. Today I got my braces on, and my orthdo said it was silly that I kept thinking that there would be horrible results, but I have a bad feeling about this. Plus, the night before I was really tired, so I forgot to brush my teeth. In the morning I managed to, at least, brush my teeth for 4 minutes.... I don't know, help :[

They are a big company, but their techniques just dont seem right.

Not cleaning teeth before getting Braces.?
No worries...orthodontist use an etchant to prepare the teeth and this removes everything on the surface. If you are not comfortable with what they did and have more questions, feel free to ask me as I work as an orthodontic assistant
Reply:You'll be fine. Once you get them off there'll be pieces of cement and stuff and you'll need a good cleaning anyway. Just clean them the best you can. There are picks you can use instead of floss, and use Listerine or some other antiseptic mouthwash.
Reply:you will be fine nothing bads going to happen i did the same thing and i just got my braces off my teeth look awesome and theres no spots that are whiter then the other and i see that ur going to be fine too
Reply:Oh i i know how you feel! I also have braces but i got mine on bout a year ago and i still have them on till next summer! Well... i was the same way u should be fine exspecialy if u r brushing them for 4 min. Just keep brushing them after every big meal like breakfest lunch and dinner and u should be fine! And make sure to get beetween the braces and make sure 2 floss if u dont kno how to floss with braces then ask ur ortho
Reply:I had braces already too. It would be good if you could have gotten a cleaning before your braces, since they won't be off for about 2 years or however long you have them for. But rememeber to brush and floss everyday, even more than you did without braces because food gets stuck a lot easier now. When you get them off, they will clean it for you and there will be food stuck in there.
Reply:hi, it's important to have good dental hygiene especially whenever have all this metal in our mouths(food becomes trapped in all that hardware). when that happens not only do we have to worry about cavities but also bad breath. another thing, if were not cleaning our teeth well enough the gums become infected (red, inflamed) to a point where they may grow over your brackets. not only is that unsightly but also unsanitary. purchase a water-pik, there not that expensive this will help dislodge any food you may have trapped, follow up with a good brushing. a fluoride rinse that you purchase over the counter would also be a good idea(rinse with that once daily). i know sounds like alot of work and it is,

but you'll be glad you invested the time let alone the money.
Reply:u didnt clean ur teeth before u got braces? cool. keep it up. nd u cant brush ur teeth well? tats interesting.


Teeth Whitening and Braces?

I'm getting my braces off on Monday and I really wanna whiten my teeth for school, but when i was getting my teeth cleaned the dentist said that you cant whiten your teeth for about 6 months afterwards?? is that true? and does anyone know why??!!!

Teeth Whitening and Braces?
i wouldn't whiten your teeth if you are under 18 because if you are younger, the nerves of your teeth are still close to the surface enamel so whitening them could damage the nerve endings and cause possible tooth loss later on in life, or maybe just dental problems down the road. use whitening tooth paste 2 to 3 times a day though, and floss.

good luck!
Reply:idk never had braces
Reply:I believe they told me the same thing. Not sure why, maybe your teeth are weakened from the braces and need some time to 'recover' before they're whitened (and weakened).
Reply:Generally speaking, you can get your teeth whitened after braces, but some factors to consider waiting would be: 1. Any new cavities should be treated first, 2. Your teeth may already be sensitive and whitening nearly always makes them more so, 3. If you have any problems needing fixed with your front teeth, that should be addressed before bleaching is started. If none of these apply to you, you can always get a second opinion from another doctor. Hope this helps.


Teeth moved after braces.?

I've had my braces off for about a year now and my my bottom two middle teeth have moved outward. I wear my retainers every night, why did they still move and should I contact my orthodontist?

Teeth moved after braces.?
If you are wearing your retainers as directed, it is possible that your bottom one has gotten looser. The orthodontist should be able to tighten it, which might cause pain at first, but will straighten your teeth back out.
Reply:its called teeth memorie or something like that, your teeth grow back the way they were, and yes do contact your orthodontist he will no what to do!
Reply:Are you wearing your retainer as directed


Teeth whitening before braces?

im getting braces in a week and one of my friends suggested getting my teeth whitened before i get them put on so that i have a 'fresh start' and can keep them clean until they come off.

good or bad idea ?

Teeth whitening before braces?
I had braces for ten years and after mine came off I didn't really need whitening but I got it anyway. I think it would be wise for you to just whiten after you get your braces off because even if you do if before you may need to do it again. This way you can save your money.
Reply:U dont need 2 get ur teeth whitened when they put the braces on they get a tool that strips ur teeth clean so that the brackets will stick, and plus if u were to do dat the spots that under the brackets will be white while ur teeth will be darker so just let the orthodonist decide what is best not ur friends
Reply:No! Don't bleach your teeth right before putting braces on. The bleaching process interferes with the bonding agents they use to stick the braces to your teeth. You'd need to wait 3-4 weeks after finishing bleaching before the effects go away. Wait until after braces, it will be easier to do cuz your teeth are straight, and if there has been any discoloration during the braces, it will get rid of it.
Reply:I would whiten afterword, simply because there might be some spots that you didn't/couldn't brush as well as usual so it might turn yellow anyway and the other is because when they take off your brackets they have to make sure your teeth don't still have glue on them and so they file them so you might not even need it.

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Teeth Whiting with Braces?

I have braces and i was wondering how to get my teeth whiter bc i know u cant use anything like crest white strips with them on and whiting toothpaste doesnt work

Teeth Whiting with Braces?
I work for a dentist the best thing to do is just keep your teeth brushed good. If you use any thing to make them white you will have two diffrent shades when you have the braces removed.
Reply:you have to wait till your braces are off, otherwise you will have two diff. color teeth..
Reply:use nothing or u will have a yellow "sun tan" of your teeth

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When will my teeth stop moving?! Braces were off 12 years ago?

I had my braces off when i was 12. I had them on the top and bottom. I wore my retainer for years afterwards like I was supposed to. Finally my mouth grew too big for it. I'm now 24 and my front teeth are still moving a little bit. It is really upsetting because so much money was spent on braces and I did what they told me to do.

I don't want to bother paying to see if it can be fixed because I feel like I'll have to wear a retainer for the rest of my life. When do teeth stop moving???

When will my teeth stop moving?! Braces were off 12 years ago?
Get yourself to a dentist, girl! You never know how important your teeth are until they start falling out. If your teeth are still moving, something not good is going on. And it is better to fork out a little money now as opposed to a lot of money later to save your teeth. Go now!
Reply:Do you grind your teeth in your sleep?
Reply:This may be a silly question, but do you still have any wisdom teeth? Mine seemed to stop shifting after I had them out.
Reply:I believe you are imagining things
Reply:your teeth are always moving to adjust to growth and changes in your mouth, did you have a wire placed behind your uppers and lowers%26gt; permanently place there?%26gt; I know it is costly for ortho TX, go for an assessment, you may qualify for invisalign and your treatment may be short if the movement has been limited.
Reply:I just had my braces taken off a few months ago, and the orthodontist told me that it would be a good idea to wear my retainers the rest of my life. And he said that, because your jaw continues to grow and change over the years. Maybe you can just get new retainers, and just wear them at night?
Reply:Not to alarm you but our teeth are always moving. It's when the bite is not properly aligned that there is a problem.

After orthodontic treatment, if you do not want your teeth to shift out of alignment again (become crowded or spaced) you MUST wear your retainer for life! You need not wear them 24/7 or every day for life but at least a nightly a couple of times each week.

Protect the financial investment of your parents and the time investment you have in your smile. It's time for another retainer. It's far less costly than braces again especially nowadays (compared to 12 years ago.) Do this straightaway so that minimal correction can be made with an aligner-type appliance instead of metal, partial or full braces again.

You may only need a retainer. One should not cost over $200. That beats $5K+ and crooked teeth now that you're an adult!

A bright, shiny, straight-teeth smile is SO "in!" On the contrary, the opposite is so "out!" Even those hideous grills!! *laughing*
Reply:Never the teeth always are moving and also you have to check if your third molars are in eruption because maybe thay are moving your other teeth
Reply:Go back and ask your dentist or orthodontist if you have a toungue thrust. Or, as someone else suggested your lower teeth may be bumping into the top teeth a bit too hard. This can be adjusted easily.
Reply:take x-rays from your teeth.I had root resorption when i had braces and my teeth became mobile!!!.because sometimes forces are so heavy for our teeth.
Reply:I'm a dentist.

You are absolutely right. You may have to wear a retainer for the rest of your life. That's just the way it is.

One of the first things they teach us in our orthodontics classes in dental school is that there is no guarantee that teeth will not move after treatment, be it one month, one year, or twenty years after the braces are removed.

Our teeth constantly want to shift. Especially our lower teeth. There is a constant pressure for them to shift forward in the arch, i.e. towards the middle of the front of the arch. That causes the overlapping of the lower front teeth you commonly see on older people. This happens in both arches, but is much more pronounced in the lower arch. For some people, the adjacent teeth are well-enough in line that no overlapping occurs, but for most, this isn't the case.

Basically, you should have gone back to your orthodontist and had new retainers made periodically. I seriously doubt that your doctor told you, "Adios, have a good life" without informing you (or your parents) that follow-up appointments might be necessary if the teeth were shifting out of place.

At this point, you have three options: 1. braces again, 2. Invisalign (you're probably a good candidate for it since your teeth have previously been straightened and the movements required to re-align them would be simple ones), or 3. leaving your teeth as-is and having a retainer made in order to prevent further movement. It might also be possible to have a retainer made that can re-align the teeth, but that's something your doctor would know. He/she might have other options.
Reply:weird, you teeth sould have stoped moving.

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Teeth cleaning with braces?

i have had braces for about 3 months, and i am going for my first cleaning (with my braces). the thing is that my front teeth have moved alot and they are still pretty loose. is it okay to get a cleaning done eventhough my teeth are loose?

Teeth cleaning with braces?
yes!! ur teeth will tighten up!! if its not safe ur dentist won't do it!! keep well!! :)
Reply:Is this cleaning advised by your dentist ? As far as I know, you can not clean your teeth with braces on. After the braces are taken off, your dentist will clean them himself/herself. Anyway,it is better to get them cleaned after your treatment is done.

Hope this helps. All the best.
Reply:Not to worry. Firstly - it is important to get a regular clean because with braces on it is harder for you to remove all the plaque 100% which means irritated gums, tartar build up etc. Your teeth will be a bit mobile as long as they are being moved and also for a while after the braces are taken off. This is normal as the bone and tissue around them is reforming.

Your hygienist/dentists will be aware of this fact and treat you gently. Both of these professionals have a special training that includes treating people with braces on.

They can also show you how effectively remove plaque from around the brackets, under the wires and even how to master the floss with all the goodies on (yep, it is possible:).

So don't worry and if toy feel a bit nervous about it, let them know and ask for explaining everything to you. They will be happy to do it.


Teeth Straightening without braces?

I need to fix my teeth i have an overbite, and my teeth arent allign...and i dont want braces..anyone know of any treatment/procedure i can do without having braces?

Teeth Straightening without braces?
you can grind down your teeth and do porclein vineres. Or those invisalign braces. both work, but are also a pretty penny! Hope this helps!

Reply:None. Only braces will do it.
Reply:they have clear braces now and they are expensive. consult your dentist, they'll know what new...
Reply:probably the best way is through braces as your teeth are constantly moving. you may need to have some teeth pulled before your braces but it's really not so bad once you have them on.
Reply:I guess , you need braces. There is not another way....sorry!
Reply:You should look in to Invisaline. Depending on your correction is weather or not you can do invisaline. Go to there web site and check it out. The other option is veeners this can straighten and lighten your teeth. Visit your dentist and get advise.

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Pulling teeth out and braces.?

I would like to know the best way to pull out a wiggling tooth because i tried pulling it out, but it just won't budge. Also, if you don't have all your baby teeth pulled out, can you still get braces or do you have to wait?

Pulling teeth out and braces.?
Is it ready to come out? Depends on how much it's wiggling... hehe... When I was younger, my godmother did the whole tying my tooth with string to a door then slamming it... OMG that was painful... I learnt that it was better to just loosen it with my tongue %26amp; eventually it came out.. Sometimes it hurt, but for some reason I was a freak %26amp; I enjoyed it??? I wouldn't use your fingers too much 'coz you can infect the gums around the new tooth.
Reply:no probs, hope it comes out soon if it's bothering you!! :) Report It


Teeth extraction for braces??how does it affect the face shape??

im 19 and my ortho suggested i have 4 premolars removed in order to create space for braces. Note that this is after i just had 2 impacted wisdom teeth removed a few weeks ago. My main concern is that gettin these 4 teeth removed would mean that i would be deprived of 6 teeth which seems like a big number. Would this effect the shape of my face as it develops???Ive read on forums about people complaining that theyre face tends to develop to be longer and thinner after gettin teeth removed. Would this affect me?? At what age does the human skull and jaw stop developing??

Teeth extraction for braces??how does it affect the face shape??
19 yrs is almost an ideal age for orthodontics(Braces) although at 16 yrs it would have been a bit better and less tedious...but still at this age growth of the jaw might be in its final stages..anywayz the reason of extraction of your premolars is to create space in your lower and upper jaw as your teeth must be crowded and for bracres to work space is required so that movement of teeth can take place..

and ofcourse it will affect the shape of your face..but mostly for the good as it will create space for proper movement to take place in jaw...and i think that it wouldnt actually affect your mastication(eating.etc) as your molars are still intact(if molars are not present then thats another story because they are the most imp teeth for eating,etc.)...anywayz but still if you are v.concerned regarding extraction ask your dentist that is there anyother loophool to avoid extraction.alternatively you could take a second opinion from an ORTHODONTISTS(Specialist in orhtodontics)
Reply:Talk to your othodontist about this. I had that many teeth removed, too. I don't know about when the human skull and jaw stop developing. Have you noticed how older actors heads continue to get larger as they age? i.e. Tom Hanks, John Travolta...
Reply:I really think you should get a second opinion. It sounds like you are having a lot of teeth removed. Im not saying that is definitely wrong, but that's a major step that can not be changed once it is done. It is better to be safe than sorry and a second and even third opinion may be very beneficial! Dont go through with this until you are SURE that is what YOU want to do!
Reply:Hi Jason,

When I got my braces, I had four teeth removed as well. They were the first set of molars next to the canines.

It totally changed the shape of my face, and my face is much slimmer and longer. However, I think I look a LOT better. I just had too many teeth for the size of my mouth, and now I look just right. The bottom half of my face was very full before, and my cheeks were a lot fuller. It was difficult to close my mouth, and my teeth were crowded.

Talk to your orthodontist about your reservations, and see if there are alternatives to your treatment...but just about everybody has teeth removed, so I don't know what s/he'd come up with.

PS: I got my braces after I turned 19, and I still looked different. It's not so much about your face growing, as it is the shifting of the teeth that cause the difference in your appearance.

Hope this helped!

Reply:Only your orthodontist knows how to get you from where you are to where you're going orthodontically. Don't even consider your wisdom teeth at this point since a vast majority of the population needs to have them removed. Also, more and more people aren't developing wisdom teeth, period, as we refine our diet and need crushing teeth less and less.

The shape of you lower face may change somewhat due to your orthodontic treatment, but not because you have these teeth removed. Orthodontists make very careful measurements of facial and skull structures and know scientifically the proportions that are considered "esthetic" by most members of society. Things will change shape, but they will do so for the better. An alternative to pulling teeth can sometimes be orthgnathic surgery. This surgery involves breaking the jaws, wiring you shut, and have plates and screws placed. I would rather have some teeth removed. At age 19, you are most likely done growing, and your skull is almost certainly done growing. Gaining weight makes the head look larger, but that is a soft-tissue issue, not a skeletal growth issue. Your face will not get longer nor thinner at this stage of your life. I hope this helps.

A lot of times it isn't necessary to have teeth extracted for braces! I once had an orthodontist suggest that I have 4 premolars removed, too. I ran away as quickly as I could and went to another orthodontist who let me keep my teeth! I had braces for only a year and a half (would've had to have them for up to 4 if I had been trying to fix the empty space where the premolars had been extracted!), and even years later my teeth look great.

If you're concerned about it, I really really really suggest that you get a second opinion!! I don't want you to extract teeth for no reason like I almost did!!

Teeth whitening w/ braces on?

k, so i have had braces for 1 year. i brush twice a day and i've noticed my teeth have gotten a lot yellower. i know that the rectangles hidden by the bracked on each tooth has a lighter shade compared to the rest of my teeth. so how do i get my teeth a shade brighter...???

does ACT mouth wash help?

pleaseelp, i want to be able to fix this in like 2 weeks or so...

Teeth whitening w/ braces on?
Well a teeth whitening may look good, but did you know teeth whitening can also damage your teeth permanently. I suggeest you brush every night for at least 10-20 min. to get those yellow marks out. Also never put chemical whitning in your teeth they will not work and most likely to knock out your teeth.
Reply:not a good idea, wait until your braces are gone
Reply:Use a whitening toothpaste with baking soda (I beleive arm and hammer has one). Everytime I use it I notice a difference. Good Luck!
Reply:just wait until you get your braces off, because you can't whiten your teeth any other way till then. No white strips, or professional methods; they will all turn you away if you have braces.
Reply:If I were you, I would call the dentist and ask him/her what she would recommend. You don't want to cause problems with your teeth. You have invested a lot in them already.
Reply:wait tell your braces are off not a good idea to whiten with braces on when you get braces off you will have discolored teeth where brackets were
Reply:You can't whiten until your braces come off. It will weaken yur teeth and cause alot of sensitivity. When you brush use a whitening toothpaste, and leave it on for a couple of minutes before rinsing your mouth out. The fluoride will help your teeth stay strong. The whitener will gradually help, probally within your 2 weeks.
Reply:You are right! Totally.

Its the sodas, tea, coffee staining your teeth.

Yes the attachements the enamal underneath is still lighter.

Just - NO don't do it.

Really not a good thing to do until those braces come off.

Sorry it seems yucky, talk to the dentist, since he is the one whom can help you the most right now.

You see him once a month if not every two weeks anyway.

Call his office and perhaps his staff can tell you "what"you can do to help out.

When the braces come off then let the hygenitsit /dentist professionally clean and then (laser) whiten your teeth.

Your gums are super sensitive for weeks after braces come off and those chemical whiteners will really ouch.

trust me.... been there...done that...and have red gums to prove it.

I have a homemade recipe for teeth whitener, take hydrogen peroxide a cap ful in a glass mug, put baking soda in it and make a paste, then use a wet toothbrush to rub that on your teeth, try not to touch the gums, (they turn white for a few minutes) its gentle enough to work and you can rinse and repeat as oftern as you need. It won't be Movie star white, yet it will be much cleaner looking.
Reply:Definitely wait until your braces are taken off. Its gonna look strange as it is if you gotten your braces taken off tomorrow.
Reply:I would just try to keep the teeth clean for now. Using a whitening toothpaste may help, but don't do any bleaching until you get your braces off. Otherwise the portions under the brackets will still be a different shade than the bleached portion. The whitening toothpastes and rinses won't be able to make a huge difference in two weeks. Just don't worry about it too much and take good care of your teeth while you undergo ortho treatment. Brush after eating and rinse your mouth out with water after you drink sodas or other acidic drinks. By the way.. don't do the hydrogen peroxide paste that was suggested. It has been shown that the free radicals in hydrogen peroxide can increase cancer risks if used frequently in the mouth. Good luck!

Visual Basic

Teeth Bleeching with braces...?

Straight forward, I have very healthy teeth. No cavities or anything. But I did inherit my fathers not so great colored teeth. His arent bad, just not white. As for me, mine arent yellow or anything like that.. Just theres alot of room for improvement.

I brush 3 times a day using Crest active white. I also use Teeth whitner before I brush and Mouthwash afterwards... I also have braces so theres no option to really use whitestrips or anything for a quicker whiter smile.

I guess what im really asking is, Whats the best/ Safest way to get white teeth without having to use as many products as im currently using?

Teeth Bleeching with braces...?
Save your money. You don't want to bleach while you still have braces because simply put, you can't bleach the part under the brackets and you don't want to have polka-dotted teeth! I have actually known someone, although this is the reverse, that smoked too much when she had braces her teeth were white under the brackets when they took them off and yellow around them. Yuck!

But, I think a good multi-function toothpaste is your best bet, meaning anti-cavity, anti-plaque, and whitening. If you do want to spend a little money to keep them as white as possible during the braces, buy Rembrandt or another higher end toothpaste. Furthermore...floss!

Another good piece of advice...stay away from dark, heavy, sugary drinks like colas and coffee. These can stain your teeth like crazy. Good luck!
Reply:wait until after your braces and use the whitestrips. if they don't work, I suggest saving up to get them professionally bleached (if you're really serious about it)
Reply:Do NOT try to whiten your teeth while you have braces on. The area under the brackets will still be the original color of your teeth and even professional bleaching may not get the whole tooth the same color if you are bleaching the exposed area and not whats under the bracket. Just be patient and wait till they come off, then go ahead with the bleaching and they will look great.
Reply:I used the crest night paint. It was easier than the strips and you paint it on. I agree with everyone else that you'll bleach the teeth and it'll look funky after brace removal. I worked with a fellow dental assistant who bleached her teeth and the dentist hadn't removed all of her composite/cement from her braces. Her teeth were nicely spotted. Remember to take before and after pics to properly determine effectiveness of bleach; you don't want to end up like Ross on the show "Friends" Also you may be too hard on yourself; your teeth may be white to everyone else but just not you...Don't forget to research bleaching so that for any side effects that you're prepared (tooth sensitivity, gum sensitivity, etc.)
Reply:I wouldn't work so hard at the moment to go for whiter teeth. Keep them healthy, brush as often as you do of course, but using multiple products to give you whiter teeth right now will only result in polka-dot teeth when you get the braces off.

I'd use a simple one and wait it out. While it's something you notice, few people actually notice a person's tooth coloring when there's braces there anyway.

After the braces, absolutely do whatever you want to get your teeth white. I would suggest, if you're really serious about it, sticking with the professional whitening. The toothpaste, gels, strips, all that other stuff has little if any effect.
Reply:you should just wait until you get the braces taken off because if you do get them whiter, then they will most likely be discolored under the part where the bracket was...and plus, when you get your braces off, they are probably going to give you a bleaching kit so you can restore your teeth to a whiter color...
Reply:Check out They might be able to save you quite a bit of $$$ on a professional bleach job. They offer very cheap discount plans that can save you up to 80% on your dental work. You can just get the benefits for the bleach job and then leave. It's less than $12/month. I have benefits through them and they're awesome. Check the website for providers in your area.
Reply:I agree with what most everyone here is saying.

You definitely do not want to bleach your teeth while you have braces on. Stay away from whitning toothpastes and rinses. When your braces come off, the areas under where your brackets are placed will have maintained the original color of your teeth and they will probably look worse than if you had just waited.

Just be patient and then you will have a beautiful and straight smile
Reply:I think it would be a lot smarter to do it after wearing your braces. You may use Crest White Strips sample. It's effective! But if you want to learn more about the product tips and details, you may check out this site

Nanny Profile

Holes in teeth after getting braces off?

at the dentist i always see pics off kids who just got there braces off but have holes in there teeth so my question is

can u tell if you have these holes before you get your braces off or are they only visible after you get your braces off

Holes in teeth after getting braces off?
the holes are cavities. its because they didnt brush, or they have a condition where they are prone to cavities because of weak enamel.

they also might have white spots which is decalcification, the regular dentist can fix those by polishing them out or putting some composite material on it.
Reply:maybe it's decay? braces aren't drilled into your teeth, they are glued.
Reply:You probably arent seeing holes, you are probably seeing left over glue that takes time to wear off.
Reply:That happened to me last year, when they removed my braces, the places where I couldn't brush hard enough were left with this ugly decay and left over glue . It looked horrible and gross, still to this day 10 months later they're still here (and the glue does not wer off at all!) thankfully I'm getting the 4 bad teeth bonded soon so they'll look normal.
Reply:EVERYONE has the ability to keep their teeth clean when they have braces. EVERYONE. There are no excuses for it. Make regular dental checkups, LISTEN to the hygienist when she tells you what tools to use and how to brush and how often, and most importantly, follow through.

People get "holes" or cavities or decalcification on their teeth after braces from not taking care of their teeth while the braces are on. It is imperative that you keep your teeth clean, above, below, and in between the braces. And get floss threaders so you can floss too.

If you can keep your teeth clean, you are NOT going to have problems.


Teeth hurt from braces?

i just got a bunch of that orthondic treatment today. my orthodontist reshaped my teeth and put on braces at the bottom. two of my back teeth are "falling inwards" so he has to put those molar bands on those as well as my back molars to pull them up and im in terrible pain. ive taken an advil and tried to get some rest but nothing works. anyone have any suggestions? please and thank you :(

Teeth hurt from braces?
not a great answer... BUT

be happy your mom didn't try to make you feel better by making your favorite food - CORN ON THE COB!

I swear to god, my mom did this at least 4 times (in the 2 years I wore them) on the day I had my braces tightened.

I know it doesn't help alot, but maybe it'll bring a smile to your face (ouch! unless that hurts too)

You're definitely NOT alone in your grief/pain! This too shall pass?!?!!?

P.S. ;If not better tomorrow, call and ask for a prescription pain pill.
Reply:take another advil.

put something cold around your mouth.

take a sleeping pill

you need to sleep through the pain

if it's not too bad try changing your mind, like watching tv or read a book
Reply:try taking a regular doseage of ibuprofin like clockwork, every 6 hours, or as the package states. try placing a damp cloth in the freezer and just lightly chewing on it. i know it sounds childlike, but all i wanted to do was bite down really hard on something when i had braces. the pain and discomfort WILL go away after a few days. also try taking a pain reliever with a sleep aid for night time, youll need something to help you sleep through the night. good luck and i hope you feel better.


Teeth bonding after braces?

how long do you have to wait to get your teeth bonded after you remove your braces? what is the process of having your teeth bonded?

Teeth bonding after braces?
There is no waiting period on having the teeth bonded after the braces are off. However, you should consider waiting until the gums have a chance to get less swollen (a common side affect of braces), you can have the teeth cleaned to remove any debris (plaque, tartar and stain) and if you want to whiten them you should do that before bonding so the bonding will match the new lighter tooth shade. Tooth bonding material (commonly called composite or resin) won't get lighter with the use of whitening products.

The bonding is fairly simple. Usually the tooth is prepped with some drilling of the tooth surface (you may or may not need anesthesia) and then the tooth has an etching material put on it to help the bonding stick, then the putty like bonding material is put in place and hardened by holding a special light on the surface. After you are done you are safe to eat and drink right away.

So, good luck!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:PAIN and when the marks on your teeth are gone

Java and C++

Teeth pulled with braces on???? what should I know?

I am getting two baby teeth pulled with my braces already on. My ortho put a wire on the teeth put he didn't put brackets on.

I have had two teeth pulled before without braces, so will this be the same. Will they just cut the wire, numb me up, and it's done. Please help me!!!!!!

Teeth pulled with braces on???? what should I know?
They may need to have the wire out, no different from a normal wire change, but more then likely they won't need to do that. The forceps are designed to reach under the wire . Very simple, don't worry
Reply:They don't need to cut the wire, they will just work around it.

safari browser

Teeth whitening with braces?

Well, I'm thirteen, and I have braces.

When I didn't have braces, I didn't brush my gums/the very tops of my front teeth. Now the very tops of my front teeth are yellow. I brush them all the time [a few times a day with lots of tooth paste] and I also use whitening mouthwash, but they still won't whiten!

How can I get them to be white besides brushing a lot/ODing on mouthwash?

Teeth whitening with braces?
I have braces also. You don't want to drastically whiten your teeth because then the parts of your teeth which are covered by the metal things will be a different colour to the rest of your teeth.

DON'T brush with lots of toothpaste! don't use more than you need, you only need around a pea size and they sometimes have the amount you need specified on the box. Use a SOFT toothbrush and brush around 2-3 times a day, not drastically more i would say 4x at absoulote most. Brush your teeth for around 3 minutes.

I read in a magazine that according to the American Academy of Periodontology, that gum disease, cavities and missing teeth are as good at indicating heart disease as chloesterol levels. So it is very important to look after your teeth.

No more than once a week, you GENTLY brush your teeth with a 50/50 mixture of bicarb soda and sea salt. don't SCRUB but be very gentle. if you scrub you will wear away the tooth enamel which will make yellowing of the tooth.

also it is very important to floss. do this after every meal, at least once a day. Do not snap the floss on the gum line and use a clean section of floss for every gap you floss. floss around the tooth not straight up %26amp; down between teeth.

for more infomarion -
Reply:whitening strips! you can place them where you want them and they work. that is the best part. i used crest.
Reply:Go to the dentist and have him do the whitening. there is no way your going to get your teeth completely white after wearing braces for lets say 2-4 years. He needs to do the whitening
Reply:I have braces too and the same thing is happening to me!!! I just go ahead and use the whitening strips or other whitening gels with my dosent do anything to them!!
Reply:I have braces too and I was thinking this exact question yesterday.
Reply:Either wait until after you get your braces off or use a whitening rinse. Strips won't work until after your braces are off.
Reply:I would wait until you get your braces off like I did. When you do whiten them, make sure it's recommended by your dentist, because you aren't suposed to use white strips or anything like that until you're 18. If you're any younger, it could/will wreck the enamel in your teeth. I used a special kit that can only be bought through your dentist.
Reply:Brushing teeth with soda-bicarbonate removes nicotine and other dark stains also. It helps to prevent the formation of tartar and keeps the teeth white.Log on to http://tipsfromruby-teethcare.blogspot.c... tips to have sparkle on your teeth and keep them in good.

hotels reviews

Braces-the color of teeth after them?

i was wondering about what your teeth look like after braces. I mean, i know that they are gonna be straight. But...ya know when you have a piece of furniture and you go to move it to clean it and the spot it was covering is a different color than the rest of the carpet? Does that happen with your teeth if you have braces. Because, really it is the same concept. Wouldn't it look strange if you just had a bright white or a yellow square spot on your teeth where your braces were for 2 years. Because its not like you can brush under the brackets where they have the glue.

Braces-the color of teeth after them?
it doesnt work like that. the colour of your teeth that is covered in the braket will stay the same colour until you get your braces off. And you just have to brush the outside bit and keep it healthy. some people do get stains after braces but its only because the stained the OUTSIDE of there teeth from not brushing or eating 6 candy bars and day and 10 cans of coke. only like 1 in 100 people get stains after braces, most common cause becoz they didnt have good oral hygiene
Reply:well if you use floride your teeth wont have spots on them after you get them take in off. they sell floride tooth paste. if your worried about having spots just use the toothpaste.
Reply:well i have never had braces bedfore but i think im gonna have to and i think there a little tint of yelow on the spot the bracket were.
Reply:if u clean ur teeth alot and get the normal maintenance at the dentist. u will be fine. i thaught i was gonna have yellow marks but the only way u will is like if u never brush ahha. even my friend who never brushes ahha ewww, she didnt have marks. even if u do, u can always use whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes ect.
Reply:I just got braces a week ago %26amp; as far as my orthodontist said if you use WHITENING toothpaste your teeth will look tha way you described.

You can only use colgate total or cavity protection or something, but NOTHING with whitening. otherwise you'll be walkin' round with squares on your teeth after you get tha braces off.

Why do you wanna kno? R you getting braces or something?

If you are just b sure to brush at least 2wice a day %26amp; floss.

Also there's this quadruple-strength flouride mouthwash that's called Phos-Flur from works really good for braces; that's what its made for.
Reply:Just brush well and nothing bad should happen.

my cat

Missing Teeth / Dental Implant / Braces?

I am having a lot of problems with my mouth over the last few months. I went to the dentist and he told me that I still have a baby tooth and I was born without two of my permanent teeth [two of the front bottom teeth].

He thinks I should pull the baby tooth and get braces to make room for two dental implants.

The whole thing freaks me out. I don't want to be toothless, and I also don't want something foreign in my mouth that is destined to "fail" sometime or another.

I am also curious as to if I could just get braces and pull everything together and just leave some space in the back - possibly room for my wisdom teeth when they come in.

I am an education major very close to graduating and I don't want to have a physically negative appearance in the classroom. I have been constantly crying over the last few months after I heard the news. I really would like to hear comments from professionals who could possibly put me to ease.

Missing Teeth / Dental Implant / Braces?
Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 25 years and have implants. Many of them. And please promise me to stop crying over this. IT IS a solvable problem and you will not look bad or will they fail. In fact, implants will out live you. The baby teeth will fail. This you have no choice, they have to go. The braces will make room and more importantly, the implants will look more natural and better than the baby teeth. It all takes time, but the end result will be wonderful.

This is what I would do. I would make either a Maryland bridge that fills the gab and cements onto the neighboring teeth to take up the space of the baby teeth. The Ortho can bypass this and cement brackets and add the wire to the natural teeth and move them into position. Once this is done, remove the bridge and sink the implants. You can recement the bridge until the implants heal in place and the final crowns can be placed. NO ONE will know BUT YOU! And there is no space to be embarrassed about.

The second option is to wear a flipper that has two teeth on it and no one will know but you. I think this is not the best of choices as you can remove this and it can come out easily.

What I have done for patients, is make the Maryland bridge with a temp. material, costs less and you can have a good look. Once the teeth shift, sink implants and make a partial denture for the space. This hooks on to your natural teeth and is less likely to move when you talk or laugh. I have also re-cement the Maryland bridge for 3-4 months and the patient has no concerns until it it time for final impressions. Then still use this so no one knows and it looks great. It will cost a little more, but you wil have a full set of teeth, stop crying about it and get on with a great career. THIS is a TINY speed bump in your life. A good dentist will never let you walk around missing teeth and look terrible. I will never allow any of my patients to angst over this. If I have to make the temporary myself I do. Believe me, I have 11 implants and 5 are in the front, do you think my patients ever saw their dentist without perfect teeth? Never. So please calm down, this is easy to do. If your dentist can't find someone that can. I do this all the time and my patients love me. The reason I care so much is I have been in the same situation. If you have any other questions, please ask. Marie.
Reply:It will be okay. If you are uncomfortable witht eh implant tell the denist your idea and see what he says.
Reply:Okay. Are you aesthically ok at this point? That baby tooth can last for a very long time. I have a patient (I'm in the dental field) who has a nicely functioning baby tooth. He is 75 freaking years old!

Yes it is possible that the baby tooth will crap out. When it does, an implant may be in order. By that time you may have dental insurance and they might even cover a portion. SWEET! Dental implants have come a long way over the last 20 years. They are costly, but do last when done correctly.

If you have a malocclusion, see an orthodontist to see if braces can help this situation. They are in a position to scope out what needs to be where.

If you have dental insurance now, you should be able to get a panorex (full lower face xray) done under your coverage by your dentist. Take that xray to the orthodontist and get a consult. Most orthodontists will do a consult for a minimal fee.

Don't worry about looking professional in the classroom because of your teeth. The kids will love it if you have to get braces. Now quit crying and finish you school work to the best of your ability.
Reply:i have braces n my best friend does she went through the same thing.i have to get a baby tooth pullde before i get mine


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