Sunday, August 2, 2009

Teeth moved after braces?

I had my braces removed and had a permanent wire glued in but I noticed today that several of my teeth on the bottom row moved outward and I think one side of the wire moved slightly upward.

I'm going to the orthodontist soon but I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone before and what the orthodontist did

Teeth moved after braces?
Sounds like you needed a retainer after your braces. They might need to give you one.
Reply:it happened to people I know, and they had to get their braces put back on.
Reply:my braces came of about 2 weeks ago. I now have a plastic retainer that was moulded to my teeth after my braces came off so they dont move- you could ask to get one of these?
Reply:i have a lower wire as well, whenever they took mine off they urged me to wear my retainer on top..but i never did. I'm going in again as well because my top teeth have moved. they might suggest you wear braces again for a little while...depending on the orthodontist....

Make sure that you faithfully use you retainer. My son had his braces removed about 2 years ago and uses the clear plastic retainer every night.

Many years ago I also had braces but did not use my retainers and now my bottom teeth are not straight.

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